Board of Education Meetings Notice
The regular monthly business meeting of the Port Jefferson School District Board of Education will be held on January 14, 2025, 7:30 PM, at Edna Louise Spear Elementary School LGR. Call to order will be 6:30 PM for the purpose of entering executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters.
A work session of the Port Jefferson School District Board of Education will be held on January 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM at the Edna Louise Spear Elementary School LGR, for the presentation on the first draft of the 2025-2026 School Budget. Call to order will be 6:00 PM for the purpose of entering executive session to discuss a legal matter.
Meetings are livestreamed and can be accessed as follows: go to the District website at; click on BOE tab and click on BOE Meeting Livestream. Meeting agendas are available on the District’s website the day prior to the meeting.